Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Mask You Live In

Every child is put through some type of stereotypical expectation- girls have to be sensitive and emotional, when boys have to be a tough, manly man. For example, society has taught boys to be the manliest version of themselves, putting so much pressure on them to make them shut down mentally. I remember as a child when my parents would take my brother and I to the store and told us to pick a toy, I was pushed towards the pink aisle with all the Barbies and stuffed animals, while my brother was pushed towards the blue aisle with toy cars and Nerf guns. I always loved playing with my brother's Nerf guns at home, but I would never pick one out at the store. My brother, even though he doesn't like to admit it, he used to like to play with Barbies and other girly toys with me. Maybe I was afraid to get judged by the clerk at the store by getting a boy's toy, so I only ever played with them in the privacy of my own home.


  1. You shouldn't had to hide what you enjoyed to play with as a child. My brother loved to play with nerf guns with me since we were younger. It's okay to not be afraid or express what you enjoy doing as a child. People judge today but don't let it bother you, just stand tall and be proud.

  2. The fear of your child being labeled something negative is a strong one. My male figures made that clearly known. some part of me believes i will do the same for my children only because i know what it is like to be labeled something negative.

  3. Never be afraid to do what you want because of what others might think or say. If i want something ill get it no matter what gender its supposedly meant for. I really enjoyed reading your post!
